Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa, 4 kids, and Odie!

Well, Santa came for a visit last night!! Here are a few pics...

Hope everyone is having a great day! I'll be working all day...:(

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Emma and Lily's Christmas PTO Program

Lily and Emma had their PTO Program tonight at Travis Elementary...they did such a great job!! I am so proud of them. Here are just a few pics from their performance!
Lily saying her lines. Miss Drama!!

Lily and Emma..Oh, I mean an Elf and Mouse!!

Emma saying her lines!

Emma and Lily with some of their classmates!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have been so busy with pictures and kids, that I have completely let go of my blog posting. I am so ready for the hoildays!!! Can't wait to take pics of the kids for our cards this year. I just realized the other day that I haven't sent out a Christmas or New Year's newsletter since Jan. 2006, so that's on my list to do this year!!! Here are a few pics from yesterday....I took pics of Olivia's class for them to give as presents...

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!! More tomorrow!!