Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Day

My First Day of Weight Watchers

My first meal, 1 and half cups of strawberries, 1 banana, and 2 eggs

I get 25 points a day, the breakfast above was 8 points, so 17 left...lunch will be a fajita chicken wrap, and dinner is baked chicken with baked potato with broc. and cheese...hope that's 25 points...I need to add them up..LOL!

After thinking and thinking about it, I decided to start Weight Watchers yesterday. My starting weight is 179.4 and I am supposed to weigh between 122 and I have about 50-60 lbs. to loose. If you know me well, you know that I have an ADDICTION to DR. Pepper, so that's been really tough, I have slowly during the last few weeks weaned off to about 2 a day. I have a long road ahead, but I really want this. More to come later today!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Indian Girl, Vice President, Weight Watchers, Hardwood Floors and Eyeglasses...all in one day!!

Olivia's Indian Girl we decorated together for her class project.
Lawrence is runnning for Vice President of his 4th grade class!!!
We made posters tonight for him to hang around the school. I made them with his design and input...LOL!!

Me at starting weight of 179.4...only 60 lbs to loose...ONLY!!! First goal is 5% ..8 lbs....then 10%..17lbs.

All my Weight Watcher materials!!
The hardwood floors after I pulled the carpet up....yes, I know it's ugly now, but it won't be when I get finished!! The yellow stuff on the floor is carpet glue from the 50's, it does chip off when I beat on it!!

A portion of the stairs done, now the other half tomorrow or this weekend.
Lily got her 1st pair of glasses today!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A chocolate ending to an UNproductive Day

After not accomplishing much today, except a clean kitchen and the carpet ripped from my bedroom...I was craving chocolate!! So, Olivia and I decided to make no-bake choclate oatmeal cookies at 8:30 are a few pics of Momma's little Helper...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A New Week Ahead...

As I sit here on Sunday afternoon, I'm already planning for the new week ahead. I have so much to do, I'm sure like most of you moms. The upcoming week includes finishing the painting the the Game Room, Start the texturing in Lily's room, getting ready for Christmas pics at ECLC school, and super cleaning & organizing my home office. I am going to bed early so I can be readay to rise and shine for this busy week!!!

Still Cleaning...Santa, no toys this year, please!!!

Well, the kids and I are still on the mission of simplifying our home!! As you see below we live in a sea of clothes and toys!! Like I have requested before, Santa, please no toys this year!!! Only necessary items for Christmas!!

Odie, our sweet Pug!!

Odie wants a Facebook!!

Lawrence cleaning out his closet...WOOHOO!!!

Lily sorting through the sea of toys and trinkets...YUCK!!!

Emma sorting through, who knows!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

ECLC SOCK HOP Nov. 3, 2009: Celebration for the "50th" Day of school

Olivia's 1st Slumber Party

I just dropped off Olivia at her first slumber party with her friends. She has spent the night with others many times with her sisters' friends, but not with HER friends!! She was so ready to go!!
Typical Olivia!!!

Olivia ready to party!

BFF's Raven, Aubrey & Olivia

Birthday Girl Raven & Olivia

A few Halloween Party Pics!!!

We have had a Halloween party for the last 2 are a few pics from the party!!! year's party is Nov. 6, 2010!!! Already planning!!! Pony rides already scheduled!!!YAY!!

Starting over...

Well, whenI started this family blog, I had great intentions to really blog everyday!! As you see, it has been since July that I have blogged..I have done so bad!! So, starting today updating and posting blog has become my #1 thing on my to-do list each day!! Here are some pics from the Red Ribbon Drug Week...the kids dressed up each day...

Travis Elementary Hat Day
Travis Elementary Red Day and ECLC Pink Day
Travis and ECLC Camo Day
Travis Crozy Sock Day and ECLC Red Day